Friday, September 4, 2009

37t h. Remembrance

I got a beautiful bouquet of scarlet red roses from kids yesterday as a remembrance of #37. It was a wonderful surprise. Thanks again. :-)


Michelle said...

Glad to have been able to :)
Thought of you Dad, last night while riding the "sky tram" high above the Oregon State Fair and recalling how many times you rode the Ferris Wheel with me despite your fear of height. I had no idea until you told me so many years later.My fears subsided next to my calm, overjoyed 4 year old.
Love u and miss you.

Family Pelletier said...

Yep. Sometimes a parent has to give an Oscar-nominating performance for a child's sake and viewpoint. Ah, yes, I would like to thank the Academy.....! ;-)

Michelle said...

Love you dad.